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Latest News and Inspiration to help you to maintain an elevated consciousness

Latest News and Inspiration to help you to maintain an elevated consciousness

We have created this online resource, called TrueNews, so that we can share al the latest news, that the Mainstream Media won’t tell you. We present our perspective on how we see the TRUTH. If for any reason you do not agree with us, please connect with us and share your insights, so that we can learn from each other. We hope to make these videos at least once a week, to keep people informed about the REAL NEWS, not the lies and propoganda put forward, by the mainstream media.

I have been receiving a lot of feedback from people, who feel hopeless and they cannot see how the good guys are going to win this, war against the Bank Gangsters. In order to demonstrate, all the positive things going on, which demonstrate, just how far down the road we are towards, ending the Bank Gangsters enslavement of humanity. We have decided to make a weekly video, which highlights all the positive happennings.

Each lesson below, shares inspiration and the truth, which the bank gangsters don’t want you to know.